
the sun shines upon you

Valerie Solatif 
genderfemale (she/her)
serversepirot (materia)

✾ DNC main, but known to dabble in magicks
✾ warm ray of sunshine
✾ enamoured with the most sarcastic moon cat

gendernon-binary (she/they)

✾ it tech by trade, writer at heart
✾ feeds off learning about other ocs like a plant
✾ will protect valerie with all of their strength


bright past, present, and future

The eldest daughter of Melisent and Renard Solatif, Valerie grew up learning and caring for the family's chocobos day in and day out. Though even as the birds became her closest friends, her fiercest allies, music never stopped playing in her mind. Her younger sister, Meline, was never as enthusiastic about the childhood chores as Valerie was, but they both shared an ambition to do something bigger. Something greater.
Though their mother was happy to let them persue these passions, the ire of their father still burns deep in their memories. That they would never be able to return to the 'easy' life, that once they left they would be gone for good.midday
Despite the threats of 'banishment', both Valerie and Meline took their steps away from chocobo rearing when they were 27 and 23 respectively to persue the interests that were becoming increasingly stifled at home. They travelled together for a short time, but eventually parted ways when the difference in their interests grew too far apart. They still keep in contact when possible however, but they're secure enough in their relationship that linkshell calls are few and far between.
During this time, however, is when Valerie runs into Rilo'sae. He introduces her to Pyxis and Alexandrite, and one thing eventually leads to another...dusk
Though becoming an adventurer, especially one that travelled in social circles she'd only ever heard tales of, wasn't how she thought life would turn out, it entwines with her love of dance in a way that she could no longer seperate the two.
Thinking on bonds that shouldn't have been broken, she manages to convince Meline that they should at least attempt to repair the familial friendship with their father. This seems to go welle for Meline at least, having moved back in to continue both helping with the chocobos and their artistic endeavours, there is still some underlying tension between Valerie and Renard as she stands her ground in continuing her travels with Pyxis.

For one given the title 'Warrior of Light', Valerie is the one that always seems to have to remind them to go to bed at a reasonable hour as to actually see the sun. She is always willing to lend an ear to any self-doubts that they harbor, even if she has to pry it out from them in a similar fashion most of the time. They took a chance on her when all they knew about Valerie was that 'she was a good Dancer', and for every second after she has been willing to do everything she can to repay that kindness in a time she wasn't at her brightest.
Valerie holds nothing but the upmost respect for the resident tank, even if it took a while to get used to the cooler Viera's responses compared to her own more cheerful endeavours. Valerie does find herself having to smooth over some of the more curt words that come out of Alexandrite's mouth sometimes, almost as an interpretor, but she has never minded.
The Miqo'te who stole her heart, and she somehow never quite has enough gil to pay for the ransom. When Ri'se first saw her dancing on a dawn-lit beach, she had been contemplating retiring as a dancer and putting her youthful pride behind her to return to the chocobo farms. But somehow, the fates guided his own tumultuous wanderings to find her, to reach a hand out where he normally wouldn't have done. It's a hand she'll never let go of.
light party
Through trials and tribulations, Valerie has watched both herself and the other party members grow stronger with every step forwardthey take. Some would call her the 'heart' of the group, but even then she doesn't think that's fair. They all have their own ways of helping each other out, and they give and take in equal measure. Her way of showing care and effection is just a bit brighter than everyone else's.